0 && strlen($objectName) > 0) { //set the local file path and api path $this->filePath = $filePath; $this->fileName = $objectName; $this->pathAndFileName = $filePath . $objectName . ".xml"; //Sometimes it is an XML file sometimes it is searialized PHP data } else { throw new Exception("Incorrect data passed to Caching constructor"); } } function needToRenewData() { $result = true; // Better to default to this //set the caching time (in seconds) $cachetime = myInfo::CACHE_RENEW_TIME; //get the file time if the file exists if(file_exists($this->pathAndFileName)) { try { $filetimemod = filemtime($this->pathAndFileName) + $cachetime; } catch(Exception $e) { // The very first time you try to call this on a file that doesn't exist it doesn't like it... throw new Exception("Need to look at where and when you call needToRenewData()"); } //if the renewal date is smaller than now if ($filetimemod > time()) { $result = false; } } return $result; } function getLocalXML() { if (file_exists($this->pathAndFileName)) { try { $localCopy = simplexml_load_file($this->pathAndFileName); // This is timing out sometimes, need to find out on what data... } catch(Exception $e) { //This is most likely my time out error, want to catch it and for now throw a new error with the name of the damn file causing issues throw new Exception("Trouble loading this " . $this->pathAndFileName . " as XML"); } } else { throw new Exception("The local file " . $this->pathAndFileName . " failed to open."); //It is timing out but not throwing this exception } return $localCopy; //simplexml_load_file() returns false on errors but I catch them, or I should be... } function getUnserializedData() { if (file_exists($this->pathAndFileName)) { // We have to open the file then unserialize it $rawData = file_get_contents($this->pathAndFileName); $localCopy = unserialize($rawData); // You can't unserialize a SimpleXML object, you must convert all of them to arrays... } else { throw new Exception("The local file " . $this->pathAndFileName . " failed to open."); } return $localCopy; // This will return an array to my Last.fm caching stuff } function saveXMLToFile($xml) { //save the xml in the cache file_put_contents($this->pathAndFileName, $xml->asXML()); } function saveSerializedDataToFile($string) { //save serialized data in the cache file_put_contents($this->pathAndFileName, $string); } } ?>