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Turbonegro Hoodie

Turbonegro Hoodie

I've seen Turbo live, twice. I actually met a guy at a bar recently who was at both shows. \ They were broken up for a while but came back and with bigger promotion. I got into Turbo through the Supersuckers who covered them at a Brickyard show. They said hunt down this band, so while backpacking through Greece I saw a Turbonegro postcard, which I sent to the Supersuckers and I got their best album "Apocalypse Dudes" at a drug store in Nurenburg, true stories of rock n' roll.

At first I wasn't blown away, but I took the album home (to Canada) and played it at Thor's house for him and Owen. They were blasse about it, which was odd as they listen to heavier music then me. But after repeated listenings, especially once I got it on my main system, I came to see it for the great rock album (with disturbing lyrics which are part of the fun) that it is! As I'm wont to do, I made it something of a mission to promote them amongst my peers.

The Turbojurgen are legendary, I was invited to the official listening party for the West Coast of Canada for "Scandinavian Leather" were you?

This webpage is so old I was worried about modems loading images. I can't believe I sent a Turbonegro postcard to the Supersuckers. I actually saw the latter last month so May 2024 in Calgary, where actual Turbojurgen were in attendence. I wonder if Eddie remembers that postcard, I didn't until I read this webpage all these years later.

Keep Music Evil!

Words and Images © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
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