Muschamp Rd


Andrew Muschamp McKay maintains this webpage hence the hard to spell domain. Originally I was amckay in the Unviersity of Victoria Computer Science Department. If you just want the facts you can view my resume. If you prefer social proof I've diligently maintained a WordPress blog for almost twenty years.

Cornerstone Content
profile for Muskie on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites

Do not contact me if you want me to change a link on one of my webpages to point towards an article you just wrote. I will mark your email as spam. I assure you if your website was cool, I would have linked to it back in the 90's. People used to brag about their slashdot join date not their social media followers, of course your Google PageRank was the most important number of all.

Words and Images © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
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